How To Calculate ROI of a MBA Program Abroad?

Calculate ROI of a MBA Program Abroad
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By Whizstorm 2018-09-02

How To Calculate ROI of a MBA Program Abroad?

Few steps to calculate ROI (Rate of Investments) on your MBA program:

1. If you are working know your current salary

2. Based on your current salary, calculate your opportunity cost- (The salary you waive or forgo while you are studying MBA, including promotions or job change hikes if possible)

3. Calculate the full cost (fees and expenses) of the MBA program you want to pursue, and its duration. It also includes the forgone salary (point 2- point 1) which is current salary – opportunity cost as calculated above.

4. Finally, you need predicted post-MBA salary or a starting salary. University or Business school websites often display, average past salaries offered to their alumni, industry wise and sector wise statistical depiction. You can also turn to the many web salary resources available on the internet (Predictive Salary)

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With this data, subtract the current salary from the expected future salary and divide that number by the total cost. Total cost should include debt, forgone and accumulated interest on a loan for 10 years.

By using the above formula, you can predict the total expenditure and the financial worth of your MBA course.

Our experts can guide you about financial costs, expenses to study abroad. To book a counseling session please contact us at

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