What Is The Cost Of Studying Dentistry In Sweden ?

Is Studying Dentistry In Sweden Worth It?
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By Whizstorm 2022-05-07

Is Studying Dentistry In Sweden Worth It?


There's no denying that studying abroad is an attractive option for many people. With Sweden's healthcare system widely praised as one of the best in the world, it seems like a great idea to study there, right? The significant cost of living in Sweden is an added bonus, but what if you're not sure that it's actually worth it? This blog article explores the pros and cons of studying in Sweden to come up with your own opinion based on what you read.


Why Study Dentistry in Sweden?


Studying dentistry in Sweden can be a rewarding experience for students who are interested in the dental profession. Sweden has a long history of excellence in dentistry, and many dentists in Sweden are highly skilled and experienced professionals. Additionally, Swedish dentists enjoy high levels of patient satisfaction, which is likely due to their focus on providing high-quality care. In addition to excellent care, Swedish dentists also offer generous vacation and retirement benefits.


What is the Salaries for Swedish Dentists?


Salaries for Swedish dentists vary depending on their qualifications, experience and location. A dentist working in a small town may make approximately $40,000 per year while a specialist in a larger city can earn upwards of $200,000.


Salaries in different countries


There is no definitive answer to this question since the salaries for dentists vary quite a bit from country to country. However, according to Salary.com, the median salary for a dentist in the United States is around $160,000 per year. In contrast, the median salary for a dentist in Sweden is around $236,000 per year. This means that a dentist in Sweden can expect to earn about $43,000 more than a dentist in the United States each year.


Types of Dentistry Careers


Studying dentistry in Sweden can be a very lucrative career. There are many different types of dentistry careers to choose from, and many Dentrist will be able to find a position that is perfect for them. Here are some of the most common dentistry careers in Sweden: 


Dentist: This is the most common type of dentistry career in Sweden. Dentists work in hospitals, clinics, or their own private practices. They may work as full-time employees, part-time employees, or self-employed. The average dentist salary in Sweden is around 120,000 SEK per year (around $14,000).


Denturist: A denturist is a dentist who specializes in dental restoration (i.e. replacing missing teeth). They usually work in dental clinics or private practices. The average denturist salary in Sweden is around 60,000 SEK per year (around $7,500).


Periodontist: A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in treating gum disease and other problems related to the teeth and gums. They usually work in dental clinics or private practices. The average periodontist salary in Sweden is around 100,000 SE


Career Growth


Studying dentistry in Sweden could be a great option for those looking to pursue a career in the medical field. Sweden has a well-developed healthcare system, making it one of the most affordable countries in which to pursue a dental degree. Additionally, the country's high level of dental technology and expertise means that dentists are in high demand. 


If you are interested in pursuing a career as a dentist in Sweden, there are a few things you will need to keep in mind. First, you will need to have at least an undergraduate degree in medical sciences or related fields. Second, you will need to pass the Dentist Registration Examination (DRE), which is administered by the Swedish Dental Board. Finally, you will need to have residency training, which can be completed through several accredited dental schools in Sweden.


Opportunities you can Pursue


Studying dentistry in Sweden can be a very lucrative career. According to the World Economic Forum, Sweden ranks first in the world when it comes to the quality of life. This is mainly due to the high level of social security, as well as a large and competitive job market. 

Dentistry is one of the most highly-rated medical specialties in Sweden, and there are plenty of opportunities for students to pursue a career in dentistry. Some of the main opportunities include: 


-Working in a dental clinic or hospital

-Becoming a specialist in dentistry

-Pursuing research in dentistry

-Serving as a dental expert witness

-Advocating for dental health issues




Studying dentistry in Sweden is a great option if you are looking for a top-ranked dental school and a great career opportunities. While the tuition costs are high, many students find that the return on their investment is worth it. The Swedish dental system is highly respected throughout Europe, and the country has a long history of producing world-leading dentists. If you’re interested in studying dentistry in Sweden, be sure to explore all of your options carefully before making any decisions.


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