How to get an amazing score in TOEFL

How can I get perfect score in TOEFL?
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By Whizstorm 2022-02-23

How to get an amazing score in TOEFL


The English proficiency test is one of the most important elements in the process of becoming a licensed Registered Nurse or Physical Therapist in the United States. We'll provide you with a few pointers to help you pass the TOEFL iBT test with a high score , which is required by the majority of programmes. Keep the following strategies in mind while you prepare to increase your chances of getting above 100 which is the ideal score .


1. Organize your time to study for the exam.


You'll need to build a study plan to master the TOEFL iBT test before you register and pay to take it. The amount of time a candidate devotes to improving his or her English skills varies. It could take up to six months, depending on your current level of skill and the amount of time you devote to learning.


A candidate who is more fluent in English will spend less time studying English and more time preparing for the TOEFL test framework. An applicant who is less fluent in English, on the other hand, will require more time to practise the language. It's a terrific method to have fun while studying by watching videos and training with native English speakers.


Pro tip: Knowing English alone will not get you the TOEFL score you desire. You must study high-quality content and become familiar with the test structure.


2. Brush up on your vocabularies


Candidates with a large vocabulary have a better chance of doing well on the TOEFL test. You will be able to express your ideas more easily in the writing and speaking portions if you know more words. You will also have no trouble comprehending the reading segment.


A score of at least 26 in the speaking portion of the TOEFL test is required for those who wish to come to the United States. It is critical to devote time to improving your vocabulary in order to succeed in the exam. Make it a priority to be exposed to new academic words every day, as the TOEFL test is an academic test that requires candidates to know terminology used in college and university settings.


Pro tip: Using flashcards to boost vocabulary is a great approach to do so. You can study on the go with a variety of apps available for download on your phone.


3. Recognize the Test Structure


Studying the test format is the best approach to improve your chances of getting a higher score. You will become familiar with the test once you understand all of the sections and how much time you will have to react to each one. You'll feel more confidence in yourself if you know what to expect when you arrive at the testing center.


The TOEFL test is divided into four portions, with a 10-minute break after the second section. The following sections are described in detail:


1) The candidate will have 60-80 minutes to respond to 36-56 questions for a total score of 30 points in the first portion – reading. On the screen, up to four reading academic materials will appear, and the candidate will be asked questions based on what he or she has learned from the books.


2) Second, the candidate will have 60-90 minutes to react to 34-51 questions for a total of 30 points on the listening section. The candidate must respond to the questions after hearing audio excerpts of classroom dialogues and lectures.


3)Third, take a 10-minute break to stretch your legs, use the restroom, and drink some water. the candidate will be given a total of 20 minutes to respond to six questions. For a total score of 30 points, you must give your opinion on themes presented in reading text or audio clips.


4) Fourth – Writing: The candidate will have 50 minutes to prepare two essays in the final phase of the test. For a total of 30 points, you'll have to write about your thoughts on a stimulus that could be reading text or listening to an audio clip.


Pro tip: It's typical for some candidates to struggle more in certain sections than others, so focus on your study on the areas where you need to improve.


4. Make a study schedule


Identify your flaws so you can devote your time to improving what you require. You should devote more effort to learning what you don't know than studying subjects with which you are already familiar. e. The key areas of weakness are content, structure, and planning.


To begin with, if you need to improve your material, it implies you're having trouble understanding certain concepts and themes. You might want to work on expanding your vocabulary and improving your grammar. After a few weeks of diligent study, you will notice an increase in your confidence when responding to content-based questions.


Second, a TOEFL structure flaw usually indicates a fault with some aspects of the test, particularly question types. A candidate may find, for example, that certain types of questions in the reading portion are more difficult to answer than others. Following that, the candidate should focus on those questions more than others.


Finally, if the candidate is having problems with one of the test portions, the planning method is a critical flaw to address. Some candidates, for example, spend more time than necessary on the writing component. To avoid leaving points on the table, it is critical to rehearse and pay attention to your time in all phases, notably the writing one.


Pro tip: If you're preparing and studying for the test, try to take it as soon as possible. Consider whether you want to retake the exam. Candidates who take this test twice or three times to attain the desired score are not uncommon.


Following these tips and putting in your complete efforts will help you score a good score of more than 100 in TOEFl.


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