Study PhD Degree in Hungary

Study Doctorate / PhD in Hungary
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By Whizstorm 2020-09-05

Study PhD Degree /Doctorate in Hungary 

Hungary, a country that is located at the strait of Central Europe, has always been a center of cultural and psychological exchange. Its universities carry on with this tradition, drawing on 600 years of academic history to strengthen a modern approach to doctoral education.

The country's government has set a goal of increasing international student numbers by 2021. To do so, it's developing growing numbers of English-language doctoral programs, maintaining students' access to a range of funding. Hungary's Government provides full tuition fees and living cost support for a certain number of universities.

The Hungarian university system is relatively compact, with around 70 higher education providers, but largely diverse. some of the Hungarian Institutions also possess considerable histories as centers of European teaching and research.

1. University types

There are three broad categorizations of higher education institutions in Hungary. They are organized according to the types (and level) of qualifications they award as well as their research capacity and expertise (the proportion of academic staff with a doctorate):

? Universities (Egyetem) are fully-equipped research institutions at which at least 60% of academic staff hold a Ph.D. Most are comprehensive, with a

range of faculties, but several specialize in particular fields. As well as awarding Bachelors's and Masters's degrees universities maintain dedicated doctoral schools offering Ph.D. programs in their areas of expertise.

? Universities of Applied Science it concentrates on teaching in practical and professional disciplines, rather than indigenous research. They don't usually award doctoral programs.

? Colleges are smaller institutions offering beginning teaching and usually in specialist topics. They don't offer postgraduate-level qualifications.

Besides individual institutions may also be classed as state-funded or non-state-funded Despite these labels, both of them receive government funding and their degree programs are carefully licensed.

All Hungarian universities carry out indigenous research but few are acknowledged by the Government for their exceptional quality of academic work, and are awarded 'research rank'.

Hungary is also an accommodation of various free-spirited institutions, However, it hasn't always been as visible in global rankings.

Being a member of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Hungary functions within the three-cycle format set up by the Bologna Process. Hungarian doctorates are third-cycle qualifications, made for students who

have completed existing degrees at undergraduate Bachelors's and postgraduate Master's level.

2. The Hungarian Ph.D. process

Unlike some other Ph.D. systems Hungarian doctoral programs are subcategorized into two phases:

? The first phase - for 1-2 years and includes a curriculum of imparted units. This is designed to provide detailed academic subject knowledge as a strong base for your independent research.

? The second phase - for 2-3 years, during which you will acknowledge as a full doctoral candidate, researching an original project.

? The additional time you'll spend on a Hungarian doctoral program can add value to your degree.

? If you'd prefer a shorter Ph.D. you have to 'skip' straight to the second phase of a Hungarian Ph.D. To do this you'll need to show or demonstrate that you're sufficiently certified to begin independent research.

3. Fees and funding

Hungarian universities are set free to set their Ph.D. fees, but not all students usually pay them:

? State-funded students do not pay Ph.D. fees and get a maintenance grant from the Hungarian Government.

? Fee-paying students are charged fees at the level set by their university and must also cover any living costs. They can do this using other Ph.D. scholarships, earnings, or savings.

Most universities have a limited number of state-funded places on their Ph.D. programs, given by their doctoral council. In practice, the majority of students are usually fee-paying students

Still, it's worth noting with your university to see if it may have a state-funded place available for you. Some universities will select students by themselves for this support, but you may need to apply before a deadline.

The fees that you pay vary from €5,000 and 15,000 per year These prices are generally the same for all students, irrespective of their nationality.


4. Applying for a Ph.D. in Hungary

? Admissions criteria

All applicants ought to hold a Master's degree. as not the same in various countries, this is a compulsory requirement. You won't be able to apply without a postgraduate qualification.

Universities will have their criteria for processing the application. These may include your existing degrees and the quality of other documents you provide with your application.


? Application process and materials

You may be asked to provide the following

? A record of your Master's degree (including some information on the content of your course and the qualification gained)

? A personal statement outlining your interest in the Ph.D. study

? Proof of suitable language skills.


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