A New Zealand Pharmacy Student's Experience

Why study pharmacy at University of New Zealand?
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By Whizstorm 2022-03-08

A New Zealand Pharmacy Student's Experience


Pharmacy is a challenging career, but it can also be incredibly rewarding for the right person. If you have the motivation and drive to do the work, it will open up so many opportunities for you in different fields.


What is the Pharmacy profession like in New Zealand?


A New Zealand Pharmacy Student's Experience is about a student who starts working for one of the major pharmacy chains in their country. The blog talks about how her experience with the profession has been so far and what she loves and dislikes about it.


How to become a pharmacist in New Zealand


A pharmacy career in New Zealand can seem like something out of a dream to some aspiring pharmacists. One of the main hurdles that many people face is the lack of available positions worldwide. However, this is changing and more opportunities are becoming available. There are currently only 5 pharmacies in New Zealand, but with a population of 4 million, there will be plenty of work in the future. New Zealand has a great economy, strong healthcare system and excellent education options. These factors have made it possible for pharmacists to work in New Zealand. Pharmacy is the most popular career choice for students from New Zealand and other countries.


Pharmaceutical industry opportunities


In pharmacy school, opportunities are plentiful for students to get involved in the pharmaceutical industry. Students can work as an intern or volunteer at a local hospital. Working in this industry will provide students with experience they can use when applying to a pharmacy practice or specific job opportunities. This blog talks about the opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry and how you can get involved.


Salary of pharmaceutical practitioners


The average salary of a pharmacist in New Zealand is $103,000. This is about 10% lower than the median for most other professions. However, the amount varies depending on the number of years spent in the profession, location and size of practice. Pharmacists and technicians make up the bulk of a pharmacist's staff. Pharmacists can earn more than $75,000 a year in New Zealand, which is quite a lot considering that most graduates only make $38,000 to $40,000.


Education requirements


Some countries require pharmacists to complete a certain education before they can practice. These requirements range from the United States, where most students study for 3 years, to the United Kingdom, where students only require one year of training. There are a few options to gain the necessary education needed to work in the pharmacy. One of these options is to attend evening classes or study online. The other option is to enroll at a community college and take the required general subjects before transferring into a university program. This article discusses how one student had decent success with each approach.




At the end of my first semester, I had learned a lot and I was eager to keep learning. However, my enthusiasm for education was about to be crushed. Just like that, academic life ended for me. The time at uni is not forever and you have to do something with it.


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